Price Bands

This document will show you how to set up different price bands in PromoServe so you can upload separate prices to different websites.
E.g. Having a trade site and a retail site with different prices on
N.B* This procedure will only work if the website is a 'MASTER' site. It won't work for Sub Sites.

1. Create a Excel file which matches the column names below (MUST BE IN THAT ORDER HORIZONTALLY), it needs to contains the products you want to display on the site and the price for each break quantity, then save as the name pricebands.csv and then save in the Import on the server e.g. C:PromoServeImport

Expiry Date
Date Price Set
Price Set By
Offer On Order Creation
Product Number
Price1 to 6

2. Go into 'System Functions' then 'Fixed Format Import' you should then see that Promotional prices/Band Prices is highlighted. Check this box and press the import button, which will import in the special prices into the system. If the check box is greyed out, the file has the incorrect name, or isn't saved in the import folder on the server.


3. Go to your DataXchange Panel and add a new job. The job needs to have a specific job title for the upload to work. After the title you need to have (WEB). This lets the system know which price band to upload to the site. It should look similar to this