Uploading Additional Costs
- PromoServe/TransAction Office Software installed
- DataXchange Software installed
This requires several steps.
1. Ensure products within PromoServe have been allocated additional costs
2. Create and run a new job in DataXchange with type 'Upload Additional Costs'
3. In the admin area on the website, go to 'Additional Cost Groups' on the 'Codes' menu
4. Create your groups - each group will be a drop-down option on the product, with the group name used as the drop-down label
5. Go to 'Additional Cost Codes' on the 'Codes' menu, and each of your codes in to a group
6. Go to 'Site Content > Style' screen, set your 'Product Detail View' to one of the 'Quick Quote' views (or leave it blank if you are using the 'FreeStyle' template)