Virtual Categories

Virtual categories allow you to link products across multiple categories in Quick Order Portal

These categories are set up in PromoServe and will upload to your site.

1. From the main menu click on the stock database button

2. Then press the insert button in the bottom right hand corner to add a new product, you must give this product the product ID of STARTPOINT & description of STARTPOINT. The product must also be selected as a option product, it also needs to be marked as a Price List Product , once done click on the tick in the bottom right.

3. Now you need to create a product for every sub category you want to appear in the virtual category, these products need to marked as Option products as well & price list items, if you dont want sub categories and are just after a list of products you still need to create one product.

4. Now go back into the STARTPOINT product you created earlier and go to the option tab at the top and press the insert button in the bottom right hand corner.

5. Click on the spy glass to open your list of products

6. Here you are looking for the products you have just created as Sub Categories, once you have found them double click on them and they will appear in the list, repeat this task for all sub categories. Once done press the tick in the bottom right, to save this screen.

7. Now you need to go into one of the sub categories and go the Option tab at the top and press the insert button at the bottom.

8. This time you need to select the actual products you want to appear under this sub category, once you have added all the products, move onto the next sub category and add products to that, repeat until all sub categories have products against them. N.B You DO NOT need to make any changes to the acutal products themselfves

9. Here is a basic diagram explaining the relationship between the categories and products

10. Once the information has been entered in PromoServe you will need to create a job in the integration panel to upload this information to your site. Open up the panel and insert a new job as normal, give the job a title, choose update options from the drop down, enter a frequency and then choose which version of PromoServe and which QOP site you want to update, click on Save, and then click on Run Now.