Creating A User in QOP
1) Log in to Site Admin and navigate to Users > Users
2) Click 'add new' to create a new user. Enter details in all possible fields.
-Username: once this is entered and saved, no changes can be made. You must delete the existing user and create a new user in order to make any changes.
-Password: this needs to be added to allow the user to log in to the site. It must be at least 6 characters long and alpha-numeric.
3) In the 'group' section, you will need to choose which type of user you are creating. The following are 'group' types:
- Basic Admin
-User can log in to a limited version of the Site Admin area. They have access to change the website banner and home page Body Text. A basic admin user can also view the site statistics.
- Shopper*
-User can log in to a site, navigate, and find/order products (if using an Ecommerce website). Past orders can be viewed on the /past-orders.html screen.
- Shopper Admin
-User can log in to a site, navigate, and find/order products (if using an Ecommerce website).
-User can see a list of past orders placed by any user linked to the same customer account. This can be viewed on the /past-orders.html screen, where you will find user details and respective order information.
- Website Admin Staff
-User has full admin permissions and can log in to the website to edit settings.
*Generally a user who can access the website to browse products and order them is setup as a 'Shopper'
4) If you want the user to be able to login to the website. You must click the fields below.
*Email confirmed will already be checked if there is an existing email address
5) Select necessary variables, i.e. budget, you want to apply to the user. Next, assign the user to the respective existing customer. See How to add a customer
Creating A Basic User
- Log in to QOP
- Go to the Users tab in the site admin area.
- Click on Users
- Create a new user, and choose 'Basic Admin' as the group
Once all details have been entered, click save changes. The new user can now log into Site Admin which permit edit their home page body text, change the logo, and create/change site title. There is also an option in the drop down that will let them view the site Stats.
If you want all visitors to the site to see the link, go to Site Content > Links and create a new link with the URL: /admin/basic
To login as a basic user
- Log in as your new basic admin user
- Go to the basic admin area using the link detailed above, or by putting /admin/basic on the end of the home page URL
- Note the limited range of options - stats, title, logo and body text
*Source will not be included, as basic users cannot edit source