How to Add Artwork to a Purchase Order - Spectrum
In Customer Focus Spectrum, artwork is uploaded via the notes & files tab inside Project Overview. This help sheet will talk you through how to add artwork to your order.
First, log into the management section of your Spectrum system as you usually would
Firstly, you need to add the artwork to a project for later use. To do this, navigate to the project overview for the project you wish toad the artwork to. Once there, click on the notes & files tab to the far-right of the screen.
Once on the Notes & Files tab, you should see an ‘add document’ button just below the table, on the left-hand side of the screen. Click this to bring up the add document window.
From this window, enter the name and a description of the artwork for reference, and click on the ‘Upload File’ dialogue box to bring up a file browser window, where you can select your artwork. Once you’re happy with the information entered hit save. This will link the selected document to the project.
Next, open the purchase order that you wish to add the document to. Hover over the ‘Next ->’ button and select Send/Share
NOTE: It is worth stating at this point that the above method also works in the same way for adding artwork to sales orders and quotes.
When the Send Email window appears, you will see an ‘Edit’ button below the subject line. Click on this, and a list of the available documents will be displayed, which will include the artwork you just uploaded.
With this, the artwork has been attached to the order.