Creating Coupons
This help sheet will guide you through all of the ways you can set coupons up within your website.
Step 1: login to the manage section of the website. This can be accessed by adding /manage to the end of your web address (URL).
Step 2: Go to the e-commerce section of your management area. This is at the top right of your toolbar.
Step 3: Click into the coupons section.
Step 4: Click to add a new coupon. This will show on the top right of your coupon section.
Step 5: Now you are in this section you can start setting your coupon up. First, you will need to enter your coupon code. This code is for your own reference and is not the code your customer will be using.
Step 6: Enter a name for your coupon.
Step 7: Make sure your coupon has been set to verify If this is unticked the coupon will not work for your customers.
Step 8: If your coupon is time sensitive please enter a from and expiry date. If this is left at it is the coupon will never expire.
Step 9: Enter your coupon type. You are able to use this discount per line, per order or on the shipping for the order.
Step 10: Using the solo tick box will allow you to block additional coupons from being used at the checkout stage.
Step 11: Now by using the price adjustment box you are able to decide how to much or what percentage of the order you want to discount. This is controlled by entering your value or percentage. Then select either the percentage or currency option in the dropdown.
Step 12: The next step will be to enter your checkout code. This can be any series of numbers or letters you require. Please note this is a mandatory field and you are unable to enter spaces into this section. This is the code your customer will enter at the checkout stage.
Step 13: Now we are at the stage where we can select how we want the coupon to act. We have a few options:
Unlimited uses (default) – By selecting this it means that the coupon you have set up can be used an unlimited amount of times by your customers.
Single use per Customer – By selecting this it means your coupon can only be used once per customer. This is a great option for when you are first launching a site, or you want to give all your customers a special deal.
Single Use only (e.g gift voucher) – By selecting this your coupon will be one use only.
Step 14: You can select a coupon image if you require. This will show at the checkout if the coupon code is entered.
Step 15: You can enter additional coupon information about the coupon in this box.
Step 16: You also have the option to show the coupon details on the confirmation page. Click the tick box if you require the details to show.
Step 17: If a minimum order subtotal is required please enter it here.
Step 18: If you require the customer to select a certain category to activate the coupon please select it here.
Step 19: If you require the customer to purchase a particular product to activate the coupon please select it here.
Step 20: Once you are happy with all the above settings please click the save button at the top right.