How to Customize Product Detail View on your Customer Focus Website

The product detail view is what your customers see when they've selected a product. The positioning of the product image, price table, colors, title, description etc. can be customized using drag 'n' drop. There's a full help sheet on that here.

This help sheet will show you how to add additional elements into your product detail view, for example an inquiry form, testimonials, or suggested products.

This is my starting point:

Product detail view 1

1. From your site manager (/manage) head to Content > Pages.

Product detail view

2. Using the search box, locate the Product Detail system page.

Click on Contents.

Product detail view

4. You'll see a 'Contents' module. This includes all of the details about the product, the positioning of which you can customize in Appearance > Product Detail.

What you will also see is that you can now add additional modules to this page, just like an ordinary page.

Product detail view

5. To add 'Suggested Products' to Product Detail View, choose Product List from the module drop down.

You'll then be able to enter in the (Customer Focus) product codes of the items you want to feature.

Product detail view

Product detail view

6. To add a 'Quick Inquiry' form to the page, you will first need to have created the form.

Here's a help sheet on creating forms (it will open in a new tab). Then select Form from the module drop down, and, if you have more than one form, the appropriate form to add into the product detail page.

Product detail view Product detail view

7. To add Testimonials to Product Detail View, add the 'Text / HTML Block' module.

Use the table function to add several testimonials side by side; it's best practice to include a photo, and put your best known clients at the top.

Click Save when you're done.

Adding testimonials to product detail view

8. Now you can move all of these elements around to decide in what order they appear.

Anything above the 'Contents' module will appear above the product details, so use that space very sparingly. It's ideal for placing details of any promotion you might have, like 10% off a polo shirt with a coupon code.

When you're done, click Publish, and click into any product to see the new additions you made.

Full product detail view