Defining Site-Specific Shipping Costs
In Cf Ultimate, by default all shipping costs are synchronised between all linked sites. However, it is possible to set a shipping cost that applies only to the site that is currently being worked on. In order to do this, use the following steps:
First head to the shipping charges area of the site. You can find this under the ‘eCommerce’ dropdown on the top navigation bar, as shown
Once in the shipping charges area, click the ‘New Charge’ button to the top-right of the shipping charges table. This will open the new shipping charge dialogue box
Use this screen to enter the necessary details for your charge. This can also be applied as a percentage by ticking the ‘Percent Value’ box.
Just below the value box, there will be another tickbox labelled ‘Specific to this website’. If you tick this, the charge you set will not carry over to any other sites, allowing you to define specific shipping rates for each of your sites.
Once you’re happy, click the ‘save’ button in the bottom right to add your charge to the shipping charge table for use.