Product Creation Wizard for Products with Size and Color Options

This is used mainly by suppliers & distributors who keep stock of a single type of product in more than one color or size option - it enables you to create a main product with all the relevant details, then click the options button to create extra products & codes at once.

Once you have created your master product including product description, USP, cost prices, selling prices & selling units, highlight the product and click 'Options.'


This then prompts you to

-Choose multiple colors
-Standard Color List created in Codes & Phrases (P2)
-Then click next to take you to the next screen

You are then prompted to decide if the size options are always the same for each color. If you check the box, you are prompted to create one set of size options. If the box is not checked, you are prompted to created different size options for different colors.


You are now shown

-A list of size options to choose from
-Standard Sizes List created in Codes & Phrases (P3)
-When you click the checkmark, you are prompted to update sizes for another color option.If the wizard is complete, the products are added to the product database.


The products are now associated with the master product and can be viewed from the option tab of the main product - when placing a sales order you are always prompted to choose what options

Product Code - The codes are created automatically based on the following rules
Existing Code = Colour Code + Size Code
eg. PROD00110S1 (Where 10 = Red & S1 = Small)

Product Description - uses existing product description and simply adds the colour name then sizename from the database to the description
eg. Example Product - Blue Large