Sales Analysis Help Guide

This help guide is designed to guide you through the Sales Analysis Reporting routine. This routine can provide an overview of your company’s sales performance and can be broken down in to multiple variants.

  1. From the Enterprise Software home screen, navigate to Management Reporting, followed by Sales Analysis.

  1. This will now show the Sales Analysis screen. From here you may build your Sales Analysis report to your specific needs. Below is a breakdown of each option and what that configures when running a sales analysis report.


Costing Type 1

This configures which method of costing the analysis will user.


From Order 1A

Use cost prices from the Sales Order

Latest 1B

Uses the latest cost prices from the product database

Standard 1C

Uses the standard cost price from the product database

Average 1D

Uses the Average cost price from the product database. This is calculated from the total cost over the total quantity delivered where some items remian in stock.

Actual 1E

Uses the actual cost price of the stock at the time of despatch


Dates 2

From Date 2A

Type in the date or use the Calendar Lookup button to select the date you would like the report to begin from. Invoices dated prior to this will be ignored.

To Date 2B

Type in the date or use the Calendar Lookup button to select the date you would like the report to finish on. Sales Orders and Invoices after this date will be ignored.

Check Date Entered 2C

This option is available when Sales Order are included. Once this option is selected, it will define the date field to Sales Orders entered in the database between those particular dates.

Promised Date 2D

This option is available when Sales Orders are included. Once this option is selected, it will define the date field to Sales Order promised within the date fields entered.

Include All 2E

This option will include all Sales Orders shown within that particular date.


Include 3

Include Invoices 3A

Having this ticked will include all invoices that fall between the dates provided with the exception of those at the status of New Invoice

Include Sales Orders 3B

Having this ticked will include Sales Orders with the status of Acknowledged or New Order that fall between the dates provided. This also includes invoices with the status of New Invoice


Single Options 4

Single Customer 4A

Once this option is selected you can narrow down your report to just one customer. You can then type in the customer account code in to the text box or search for that customer by using the magnifying glass button.

Single Operative 4B

Once this option is selected, it will narrow down the Sales Analysis to customers registered against a single operative.

Single Project 4C

With this option selected you can narrow down your report to specific Project IDs. These are assigned to Sales Orders and can be added and edited from the Order Type Management routine.

Single SIC Code 4D

Once this option is selected you can narrow down the Sales Analysis report to show only customers who are assigned to a specific SIC Code.

Single Source 4E

With this option, you can narrow down your results to an individual Source which is assigned against the customer.


Analysis Types A to H 5

This option allows you to include/exclude customer types from the analysis. These Analysis Types are assigned against customer from within the Financial tab. You can use the Include Those Flagged, Exclude Those Flagged and Include All options.

Sales Analysis By – 6

Customer 6A

This option will break down the report by Customer.

Ledger Account 6B

This option will break down the report by Ledger accounts and subsequent branches.

Invoice/SO 6C

This option will break down the report by Invoice and Sales Order.

Product 6D

This option will break down the report by Product.

Operative 6E

This option will break down the report by Operative.

Route 6F

This option will break down the report by Area.

SIC Code 6G

This option will break down the report by SIC Code.

Project ID 6H

This option will break down the report by Project ID.