Stock Database – How to use Stock Take

Firstly, you will need to go into Catalogue & Inventory, then Stock Database.

In the new window that’s opened, towards the bottom of it click on Stock Take.

From here, in the new window click on the plus button to start a new stock take.

In the Adding a Stock Take window, this is where you can customise how you want to run the stock take, either by:

Product No.

Bin No.


Or Single Store Location

These don’t need to be filled in if you are wanting to do a full stock take. You can also exclude items based on:

No Movement Since

Stock Quantity is Zero

Value is Less Than

If you are wanting to do a full stock take, have your controls look like this:

Next, click on the Pre-View button at the bottom left. This will bring up a full list of products with current location, bin number assigned and expected stock quantity value.

Close this window, then a new plus button will appear on the Adding a Stock Take window, click on this button.

This will then add a new tab on the left side called Take Item Details. Click into here and you will see the list of products within the system. To change any of the stock values, double click into Counted Quantity and enter a value in for your selected product.

Once one product is done, you can go through the whole list, adding in the stock value of each product in the list (you don’t have to fill in on products that don’t need changing, just make sure there isn’t a 0 in the counted quantity for that row). Once you have done, close down the window.

This will take you back to the stock take list.

The most recent one is at the top, just highlight it and click on the eye icon to open it back up. Once this has been done, you will now see a new button at the bottom left called Commit.

If you are happy with the changes you have made with the stock levels, click on Commit. This will bring up a confirmation window.

Make sure the two tick boxes are ticked (if they apply to you, if you are doing a partial stock take to finish for later, the second box needs to be unticked). Now click on the arrow icon to finish the stock take, it will ask for confirmation that you want to continue, click yes.

You have now completed the stock take. Check one of the products you have changed to be sure.