Upgrading Your Enterprise Software
The following help sheet details how to perform an upgrade of your existing Enterprise software.
1 - All users must be logged out of the PromoServe system before a backup/upgrade can be performed. Performing a backup/upgrade when any users are still logged into the software may result in data corruptions & possible loss of data.
2 - Some steps require basic knowledge of file management area of your PromoServe server machine. Please check these steps with your IT support company if you are unsure of how to complete them.
3 - Backups & Upgrades should ALWAYS be carried out from the PromoServe server machine. Ensure you are logged onto your PromoServe server machine as a usr with full administrative privileges before continuing.
Ensure you are logged into your Enterprise server machine as either the ‘administrator’ or a user with full administrator privileges.
Download the installation file for the latest version of the software from the CustomerFocusHelp website to a temporary location on the server – Software Download Links
NOTE: You need to download the server version for your appropriate package.
View the Release Notes for the latest version so you are aware of important system changes & new features which may affect the way you use the system – Release Notes Link
Ensure all other users of the software have logged out and that you are the only user of the system. You can verify that you are the only user logged in by waiting for all other users to log out, then logging into Enterprise and ensuring that you are listed as ‘user number 1’ at the top of the main menu.
If you use the Enterprise DataXChange software, ensure you have exited the DataXChange software and stopped the service executable from running. The service is called ‘CFIntegrationService.exe’ and can be found and closed from within ‘Windows Task Manager’.
If you use the Enterprise SOAP Server routine for live stock synchronisation, ensure this routine has been closed. The routine is identified as ‘SOAPserver.exe’ and can be found & closed from within ‘Windows Task Manager’.
If you have any Windows Scheduled tasks set up to be used in conjunction with Enterprise such as auto reports, these tasks will need to be temporarily disabled for the duration of the upgrade process. Once the upgrade has been completed, the tasks cam then be re-enabled. Both actions can be performed from within the Windows Task Scheduler, against the relevant tasks.
Now that all users are confirmed to be out of the system, and all associated routines are closed, a full backup needs to be taken of the existing installation.
Now that a full backup has been taken, the upgrade process can continue.
Ensure that you have existed Enterprise, then run the installer from the latest Server version which was downloaded in step 2.
Once you have read the details on-screen, click ‘Next’ to continue
Read the licence agreement then click ‘I accept’ to continue.
You must now choose the location where the Enterprise Server version is currently installed.
NOTE: It is very important you specify the correct location for your Enterprise Server installation. Failure to do so could cause another version of the Enterprise Server being installed or a client version of the software being overwritten.
Now that the correct location for the existing Enterprise Server installation has been selected, the upgrade can continue. Click ‘next’ to continue.
A message will be displayed confirming that a location has been chosen where an existing Enterprise Server installation is present. Click ‘OK’ to confirm you wish to upgrade this installation.
Confirm the name that should be used to identify the Enterprise Server version within the Windows Start Menu.
Click ‘Next’ to initiate the upgrade process.
A progress bar will be displayed as the necessary files are copied to the chosen Enterprise Server location.
Using your existing Enterprise Server shortcut, login to the system as user pixhallcsl.
Carefully read the points indicated on-screen.
1 – You can check your current version by looking at the top of the main Enterprise menu, above the USERID box.
2 - You can check you are the only user by looking at the ‘user number x’ at the top of the main Enterprise menu.
3 – You should have carried out a full backup in Step 8
To ensure Read-Only is not selected, navigate to your existing Enterprise Server installation folder, right-click the folder & select ‘properties’ and untick the Read-Only box if it is currently ticked.
Once the above points have been confirmed, click ‘Continue with Upgrade’.
A progress bar will be displayed, first indicating the Archiving process, then the final upgrade process.
When the upgrade process has completed, the screen will close and the main Enterprise screen will open automatically.
NOTE: This stage of the process can take several minutes to complete and the screen may appear to be non-responsive. DO NOT close the screen down at this stage or attempt to end the process via task manager. Doing so can cause the upgrade to fail and cause system instability and/or data loss.
To confirm the upgrade has completed successfully, check the ‘Release’ value stated on the main Enterprise menu, above the USERID field. We can see here that this has changed from 4.5.013 to 5.0.020, confirming the upgrade has been completed.
FINAL NOTES: Now that the upgrade process has been completed, the DataXChange service, SOAP service and any relevant Scheduled Tasks can now be restarted/re-enabled.