This area controls your shipping/carriage bands (shipping matrix).
Shipping charges set here are automatically applied to the basket when items are added.
For example, if the total weight of the order is between 10kg - 20kg, the shipping will be calculated at £10.
To add a new shipping band please click the 'click here to add one' link to display the 'Shipping Band Creator' screen:

- Name - A name for the shipping band/type
- Product Code - Setup the shipping to be a product in PromoServe. The product code will be used on the order. If a product is setup in PromoServe for shipping and an order is placed, this will affect the tax code, nominal ledger, and so on. The product must exist and be set up correctly in your system.
- Tax Code - The tax code applied to this shipping cost
- Min Order Value - The minimum NET order value for this shipping band to apply. Choose from Pounds (£), Euros (€) and Dollars ($)
- Max Order Value - The maximum value for this shipping band. The order value can be up to but not including this amount. Choose from Pounds (£), Euros (€) and Dollars ($)
- Min Weight - The minimum weight this shipping band applies to, if set. Choose from: g, kg, oz, lb, lt, st, t.
- Max Weight - The maximum weight this shipping band applies to, if set. Choose from: g, kg, oz, lb, lt, st, t.
- Country - An optional country which this shipping band is restricted to
- Shipping Charge - The shipping charge. This adjusts the order subtotal e.g. if you wish to charge £10 please set REPLACE - CURRENCY - 10 £
- Supplementary Info - Supplementary information to display on the shopping basket and checkout when this shipping option is selected.
Click the logos below to see how to setup specific courier integration: